in life through the one, Jesus Christ
Hudson Ministries International is a teaching and evangelistic ministry with an emphasis on grace, our victory in Christ, righteousness, identity in Christ, restored marriages and healing.
Hudson Ministries International is a teaching and evangelistic ministry with an emphasis on grace, our victory in Christ, righteousness, identity in Christ, restored marriages and healing.
Though the road hasn’t always been easy, the evidence speaks for itself. God has supernaturally kept them in the most trying of circumstances. His faithfulness and power to deliver and restore is evident in the exemplary marriage that they continue to share...
The Word of God is more than a “good” book! It’s the living supply that Herman and Racquel had to draw from to make it through their darkest hour. Listen to their testimony and discover how this Living Hope can change your life too!
Grace is traditionally defined as the unmerited favor of God. Though an accurate definition, it arouses a far greater connotation than this simple summation affords. Grace is the “much more” that Paul spoke of in Romans 5:15,20. It’s much more than the reproach of Adam’s transgression, the ensuing judgement and damnation, and even the stellar performance of the most devout of Christians. Grace is the incomprehensible love of God made manifest in the person of Jesus Christ! Yes, He is the unmerited gift of grace given to us! The world was undeserving of anything that God is. It’s depraved heart was hardened through the legal reign of sin. But God so loved the world that He sent Jesus to be our salvation. Not only did He satisfy the justice of God necessary to cleans us of our sins, but He became our deliverance, safety, protection, healing, soundness, and provision in every single capacity of our existence—spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational. You name it, His supply was already there before the problem ever was or you even existed! His supply to us is in fact unmerited favor and only when we yield to it will we truly begin to experience the much more that He has in store for us.
The revelation of our righteousness in Christ Jesus is the key to experiencing all of what God has made available through His grace! It’s the origin and basis of our relationship with the Father. Though man has never had a problem identifying with his inherent unrighteousness, once born again he has often struggled to fully identify with the new man “…created in righteousness and true holiness.” (Ephesians 4:24). What’s more, many for so long have thought righteousness to be an exclusive attribute of the God and the Divine. Thank God His love letter to us paints a more glorious picture! Jesus became our sin offering and substitute so that we could become all that He is! It was the great exchange! His righteousness for our sin, His justification for our judgement, and His blamelessness for our guilt! It has nothing to do with our performance or works, but everything to do with His radical love for us. This new position and identity as sons of God affords us the ability to commune with the Father and draw from the endless well of His provision. As audacious as it may sound, we as believers stand as righteous as He is right now, not because of our own doing, but because He declared it so!
For If by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ--Romans 5:17. Though Adam’s fall was death’s open door to reign in the earth, praise God the story didn’t end there! Through Jesus Christ everything that was stolen has been restored. All we have to do is receive the abundance--- of grace and all of it’s supply, and the gift of righteousness, the foundation of our sonship in Christ. It’s only then that we are empowered to reign right here and now over the enemy. Praise God for His grace! It’s always so much more!
We seek to radically demonstrate to the unsaved and saved alike the immeasurable love of God through the preaching of the Gospel of His grace with signs and wonders following, thus establishing eternal relationship with the Father while revealing His desire and equipping supply for all believers to rule and reign in every area of life, mentally, physically, financially, emotionally and relationally in and through Christ Jesus.
Romans 5:17 NKJV
"...Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall them that believe; in My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." --Mark 16:15-18