Our Mission
We seek to radically demonstrate to the unsaved and saved alike the immeasureable love of God through the preaching of the Gospel of His grace with signs and wonders following, thus establishing eternal relationship with the Father while equipping all believers to rule and reign in every area of life, mentally, physically, financially, emotionally and relationally in and through Christ Jesus.
Our Vision
We desire to see the revelation of the finished work of Jesus on the cross manifested in the lives of every believer through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Click to watch the Hudson Healing Journey!
About Herman + Racquel
The Hudsons have been walking together with the Lord for nearly 18 unforgettable years. Herman, originally from New Jersey, and Racquel, a southern California native, knew almost instantly that they were a match made in heaven. Herman often says that the Lord led him to come all the way across the country to find his “Good Thing”! However God had to make it happen, He sure did it!
Though the road hasn’t always been easy, the evidence speaks for itself. God has supernaturally kept them in the most trying of circumstances. His faithfulness and power to deliver and restore is evident in the exemplary marriage that they continue to share. The most challenging years that nearly took Racquel’s life and threatened their marriage, have been swallowed up in victory! God’s abundant supply has revolutionized every aspect of their lives—how they think, pray, give, do marriage, trust God—how they live!
Together, they have a sincere desire to impart the truths to others that have so radically changed their lives. The Gospel of God’s abundant grace made all the difference. Specifically, the revelation that everything we will ever need is already done--that everything we could ever need has already been supplied. It’s their hope that by the riches of His grace, you too will experience the abundant life that’s waiting for you!
Racquel Hudson is a rising minister of the Gospel and psalmist in Grapevine, TX. Though originally from southern California, she along with her husband Herman of nearly 18 years moved to Colorado Springs in 2011, where she graduated from Charis Bible College in 2017. Together they run Hudson Ministries International.
Racquel is a living demonstration of the healing power of God, having overcome a host of the enemies attempts upon her life. She has a tremendous healing testimony that God is using to spark faith in the lives of many. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, she ministers in song with boldness and authority the praises of the Lord, traveling as a psalmist with Andrew Wommack Ministries, assisting in vocal recordings, playing an integral part of the worship team at her church, and ministering at various churches and events. Due to the supernatural work of God in her life, she enjoys utilizing the platform that she has been given to encourage others to place their trust in a faithful God.
Herman Hudson, a New Jersey native, is an ordained minister of the Gospel currently residing in Grapevine, TX. As a graduate of Charis Bible College, class of 2017, Herman has a sincere passion to share the message of God’s unrelenting grace and love to the lost and churched alike. What he believes to be the foundational truth-- God’s relentless love for the world--is the cornerstone of the transformative word that God has put in his heart. His conviction is most frequently on display on their daily live daily broadcast of “Reign Life” with Herman & Racquel. He also ministers at various locations in the United States.
He and Racquel have a powerful testimony of winning the victory over a major health crisis that critically threatened her life and their marriage alike. Together they have witnessed the faithfulness of God and His Word first hand. Birthed out of a revelation of the love and grace that God has extended to them, Herman ministers with an emphasis on the renewing of our minds, getting a revelation of our righteousness in Christ, the already finished work of Jesus on the cross, and placing our trust in a loving God and Father.